Current Issue: Download Full PDF of Pietas: Fall 2023
Feature Articles:
The Reverend Elisha Williams, the “celebrated Mr. Lock,” and the Letter Concerning Toleration in America
by Joshua T. Waechter
Towards A Conservative Liberalism: John Quincy Adams, Slavery, and the Meaning of Freedom
by Jeffery Tyler Syck
Theodore Roosevelt, Imperial Uplift, and the Transformation of American Foreign Policy
by John Grant
Book Reviews:
Review of Mary Keator’s Lectio Divina as Contemplative Pedagogy: Re-appropriating Monastic Practice for the Humanities
by Stephen Tomlinson
Review of Stacy Schiff’s The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams
by Jeff Broadwater
Review of Keven J. Burns’s William Howard Taft’s Constitutional Progressivism
by Nicholas Callaghan
Review of Richard Wolin’s Heidegger in Ruins
by Jacob Burns